Zahraniční výbor
Zahraniční cesty

Dánsko Kodaň - COFACC (11. 3. 2012)
Ve dnech 11. - 12. března 2012 se předseda zahraničního výboru Ing. David Vodrážka účastnil konference předsedů zahraničních výborů parlamentů členských zemí EU, kterou pořádal dánský parlament z funkce předsedající země.

Draft Program

Sunday, 11 March

Afternoon Arrival and registration at the hotel


16.30 Transfer from hotels to the Parliament of Denmark

17.00 Welcome address by Mr. Jeppe Kofod

Chairman of the Foreign Policy Committee of the Danish Parliament

Venue: the Plenary of the Danish Parliament

17.10 Common Foreign and Security Policy of the EU


    address by Lady Catherine Ashton,

    High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy

    Venue: the Parliament of Denmark

19.00 Official dinner hosted by Mr. Jeppe Kofod,

Chairman of the Foreign Policy Committee of the Danish Parliament

Venue: Tojhusmuseet

Return to the hotels

Monday, 12 March

08.30 Transfer from the hotels to the Parliament of Denmark

Opening of the Conference

09.00 Welcome address by Mr. Jeppe Kofod,

Chairman of the Foreign Policy Committee

Venue: the Plenary of the Parliament of Denmark

Session I

09.10 NATO and the EU

    Mr. Anders Fogh Rasmussen, Secretary General of NATO

    Venue: the Plenary of the Parliament of Denmark


11.00 Family photo of the Conference participants

Venue: the big staircase inside the Parliament of Denmark (chairpersons only)

11.10 Coffee break

Session II

11.40 Current foreign policy during the Danish Presidency of the Council of the EU

    Mr. Villy Sovndal, Minister of Foreign Affairs

    Venue: the Plenry of the Danish Parliament


13.15 Buffet lunch

Venue: the Restaurant of the Parliament of Denmark

(invitations only)

14.45 Guided tour of the Parliament of Denmark to hotels

Meeting point: In front of the restaurant

15.30 Transfer from the Parliament of Denmark to hotels

Main entrance

Transfer from the hotels to the airport

Departures of the delegations

Please note that no organized transport is provided

Kodaň - COFACC (11. 3. 2012)

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