Rozpočtový výbor
O výboru

English version:

The Brief profile of the Budget Committee of the Chamber of Deputies

1. Introduction

The Budget Committee of the Chamber of Deputies of The Czech Parliament represents one of five committees explicitly named in the law, namely the Rules of Procedure of the Chamber of Deputies Act (Act No. 90/1995 Sb.). It is the only committee of the Czech Parliament specialized in dealing with financial affairs excepting public welfare and transfers to health insurance funds. It has a relatively wide scope of activities and power. The main areas are given as follows:

2. The State Budget

  • preparing governmental bill of budget for passage by the house;
  • collecting all amendments of the budget bill during the budgetary process;
  • supervising all budgetary procedures;
  • supervising its compliance with the balanced figures;
  • reconciling all assigned chapters (chapters of Chancellery of President of Republic, Chamber of Deputies, Senate, Constitution Court, Ombudsman Office, Supreme Audit Office, Ministry of Finance, Czech Statistical Office, State Debt Administration, State Assets and Liabilities Administration and Common Treasury Administration);
  • processing the results;
  • approving changes over 10% of the binding indicators of the state budget.

3. Supervision on Performance of the State Budget

  • negotiating the state budget three months reports to the Chamber;
  • negotiating the Final State Budgetary Account (for previous year).

4. Responsibility for the Legislative Process

4.1 Financial Market

  • sets of bills on banking (incl. Act on Czech National Bank) and their supervision;
  • sets of bills on insurance market;
  • sets of bills on capital market investment and its supervision.

4.2 Budgetary Regulations

  • bills on the state budgetary regulation;
  • bills on the higher territorial self-administered units (regions) budgetary regulation;
  • bills on auditing regions and municipalities.

4.3 Accounting and Auditing

  • bills on book keeping, state accounting and public agencies accounting;
  • bills on financial control (auditing the state and public institutions);
  • bills on statistical returns systems.

4.4 Taxation

  • set of bills e.g. on VAT, Consumption Tax, Income Tax, Corporate Tax, Real Property Tax, Inheritance Tax, Taxation Administration etc.

4.5 Other legislation

  • bills on customs, bills on custom administration, foreign exchange restriction bills,
  • bills on constitutional functionary’s salaries, bills on state controlled prices.

5. Other matters to hearings

  • The Czech National Bank reports as inflation reports (quarterly) and anual reports on CNB housekeeping, reports on banking system supervision, on financial system stability;
  • The Czech Export Bank reports;
  • The Czech Exporting Insurance Company reports.

Of course, negotiations can be held on each important up-to-date matter, which not infrequently happens.

The Budget Committee has established its three subcommittees for detailed approach in several substantial matters.

6. Subcommittees

6.1 Subcommittee for Tax and Custom Agenda and Lotteries

6.2 Subcommittee of Financing Regions, Municipalities and EU Funds Granting

6.3 Subcommittee of Banking and Financial Markets agenda

The main task of subcommittees consists in preparation of groundwork for proceedings in committee in given areas, e.g. arranging conferences an seminaries with general expert public, negotiating bill intentions, dealing with principles of public sources distribution and others.

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