International Agreement relating to the Exportation of Hides and Skins.

The President of the German Reich; the Federal President of the Austrian Republic; His Majesty the King of the Belgians; His Majesty the King of Great Britain and Ireland and of the British Dominions beyond the Seas, Emperor of India; His Majesty the King of the Bulgarians; His Majesty the King of Denmark; the President of the Republic or Finland; the President of the French Republic; His Serene Highness the Governor of Hungary; His Majesty the King of Italy; Her Royal Highness the Grand Duchess of Luxemburg; His Majesty the King of Norway; Her Majesty the Queen of the Netherlands; the President of the Polish Republic; His Majesty the King of Romania; His Majesty the King of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes; His Majesty the King of Sweden; The Swiss Federal Council; the President of the Czechoslovak Republic; the President of the Turkish Republic;

Being desirous of removing the obstacles which at present hinder trade in certain raw materials, and of giving effect to the recommendation made in the Final Act of the Convention of November 8th, 1927, for the Abolition of Import and Export Prohibitions and Restrictions, in a manner as favourable as possible to production and to international trade,

Have appointed as their Plenipotentiaries:

The President of the German Reich:

M. Adolf Reinshagen,

Ministerial Counsellor at the Ministry of National Economy;

The President of the Austrian Federal Republic:

Dr. Richard Schüller,

Head of Section at the Federal Chancellery;

His Majesty the King of the Belgians:

M. J. Brunet,

Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary;

M. F. van Langenhove,

Chef du Cabinet and General Director for Foreign Commerce in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs;

His Majesty the King of Great Britain and Ireland and of the British Dominions Beyond the Seas, Emperor of India:

For Great Britain and Northern Ireland and all parts of the British Empire which are not separate Members of the League of Nations:

Sir Sydney Chapman, K. C. B., C. B. E.,

Economic Adviser to His Britannic Majesty's Government;

His Majesty the King of the Bulgarians:

M. D. Mikoff,

Chargé d'Affaires at Berne;

His Majesty the King of Denmark:

M. J. Clan,

Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary, Chairman of the Danish Commission for the Conclusion of Commercial Treaties;

M. William Borberg,

Permanent Danish Representative accredited in the League of Nations;

The President of the Republic of Finland:

M. Rudolf Holsti,

Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary, Permanent Delegate accredited to the League of Nations;

The President of the French Republic:

M. E. Lécuyer,

Customs Administrator at the Ministry of Finance;

His Serene Highness the Governor of Hungary:

M. Alfred Nickl,

Counsellor of Legation;

His Majesty the King of Italy:

M. A. Di Nola,

Director-General of Commerce and of Economic Policy;

M. Pasquale Troise,

Director-General of Customs;

Her Royal Highness the Grand Duchess of Luxemburg:

M. Albert Calmes,

Member of the Superior Council of the Economic Union of Belgium and Luxemburg;

His Majesty the King of Norway:

Dr. Frede Castberg,

Professor at the Royal University of Oslo;

M. Gunnar Jahn,

Director of the Norwegian Central Bureau of Statistics.

Her Majesty the Queen of the Netherlands:

Dr. F. E. Posthuma,

Former Minister of Agriculture, Industry and Commerce;

The President of the Polish Republic:

M. François Dolezal,

Under - Secretary of State at the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, Member of the Economic Committee of the League of Nations;

His Majesty the King of Romania:

M. Constantin Antoniade,

Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary accredited to the League of Nations;

M. C. Popescu,

Director-General of Industry in the Ministry of Industry Commerce;

M. J. G. Dumitresco,

Director-General of Commerce at the Ministry of Industry and Commerce;

His Majesty the King of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes:

M. Constantin Fotitch,

Permanent Delegate accredited to the League of Nations;

M. Georges Curcin,

Secretary-General of the Serb-Croat-Slovene Confederation of Industrial Corporations;

His Majesty the King of Sweden:

M. K. I. Westman,

Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary accredited to the Swiss Federal Council.

The Swiss Federal Council:

M. Walter Stucki,

Head of the Commerce Division in the Federal Department of Public Economy;

The President of the Czechoslovak Republic:

Dr. F. Peroutka,

Former Minister of Commerce, Head of Section at the Czechoslovak Ministry of Commerce.

The President of the Turkish Republic:

M. Muchfik Selami,

General Consul of Turkey at Geneva;

Who, having exchanged their full powers found in good and due form, have agreed on the following provisions:

Article 1.

Th High Contracting Parties undertake that, on and after October 1st, 1929, the exportation of raw or prepared hides and skins shall not be subject to any prohibition or restriction under whatever form or denomination.

Article 2.

The High Contracting Parties undertake that, as from the same date, there shall neither be maintained nor imposed on the products referred to in Article 1 any export duty or any charge - apart from a statistical duty - which, under the respective laws of the High Contracting Parties, is not applicable to all commercial transactions in these products.

Article 3.

The present Agreement, of which the French and English texts shall both be authentic, shall bear this days date.

It may be signed subsequently until December 31st, 1928, on behalf of any Member of the League of Nations or of any non - Member State to which the Council of the Teague of Nations may have communicated a copy of the present Agreement for this purpose.

Article 4.

The present Agreement shall be ratified. The instruments of ratification shall be deposited before July 1st, 1929, with the Secretary-General of the League of Nations, who shall immediately notify the receipt thereof to all the Members of the League of Nations and all the non - Member States on whose behalf the present Agreement and the Convention of November 8th, 1927, have been signed or adhered to.

Should the present Agreement not have been ratified by this date by some of the Members of the League of Nations and non - Member States an whose behalf it has been signed, the High Contracting Parties shall be invited by the Secretary-General of the League of Nations to consider the possibility of putting it into force. They undertake to participate in this consultation, which shall take place before September 1st, 1929.

If by September 1st, 1929, all the Members of the League of Nations and non - Member States on whose behalf the present Agreement has been signed have ratified it, or if, under the procedure laid down in the preceding paragraph, those on whose behalf it has been ratified decide to put it into force, the present Agreement shall come into force on October 1st, 1929, and this fact shall be notified by the Secretary-General of the League of Nations to all the High Contracting Parties to the present Agreement and to the Convention of November 8th, 1927.

Article 5.

On and after January 1st, 1929, any Member of the League of Nations and any non - Member State referred to in Article 3 may accede to the present Agreement.

This accesion hall be effected by a notification made to the Secretary-General of the League of Nations, to be deposited in the archives of the Secretariat.

The Secretary-General shall immediately notify such deposit to all who have signed or acceded to the present Agreement.

Article 6.

If, after the expiration of a period of two years from the date of the coming into force of the present Agreement, an application for a revision of Article 2 has been made to the Secretary-General of the League of Nations by at least one-third of the Members of the League of Nations and non - Member States to which the present Agreement applies, the others undertake to participate in any consultation which may be held for this purpose.

Any Member of the League of Nations and any non - Member State to witch the present Agreement applies may, if such consultation results in a rejection of its application for a revision, or if it considers that it cannot accept the revised Article 2, resume its liberty of action as regards the provisions of this Article six months after the revision has been refused, or as from the date of the coming into force of the revised Article 2, provided notice be given to the Secretary General of the League of Nations.

If, as the result of denunciations in accordance with the -preceding paragraph, one-third of the Members of the League of Nations and non - Member States which are bound by the present Agreement but have not denounced it demand a further consultation, all the High Contracting Parties undertake to participate therein.

Any denunciation made in conformity with the foregoing provisions shall be notified immediately by the Secretary-General of the League of Nations to all the other High Contracting Parties.

Article 7.

Without prejudice to the provisions of the preceding Article relating to - denunciation, the present Agreement may be denounced on behalf of any Member of the League of Nations or any non - Member State after the expiration of a period of five years from the date on which it comes into force, such denunciation to take effect twelve months after the date on which it is notified to the Secretary-General of the League of Nations.

Such denunciation shall only take effect in so far as concerns the Member of the League of Nations or the non - Member State on whose behalf it has been made.

Any denunciation made in conformity with this procedure shall be notified immediately by the Secretary-General of the League of Nations to all the other High Contracting Parties.

If any High Contracting Party considers that any denunciation thus made has created a new situation, and makes to the Secretary General of the League of Nations a request to this effect, the latter shall convene a Conference in which the other High Contracting Parties undertake to participate. This Conference may, within a period to be fixed by itself, either terminate the obligations arising under the present Agreement or modify its provisions. If any Member of the League of Nations or non - Member State bound by the present Agreement is unable to agree to the modification introduced, the said Agreement may be denounced on its, behalf, and it shall then be released from its obligations thereunder as from the date on which the denunciation which led to the convening of the Conference tales effect.

Article 8.

The provisions of Articles 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13 of the Convention of November 8th, 1927, and the provisions of the Protocol relating to these Articles, as well as of paragraph (b) of the Protocol to Article 1, shall apply to the present Agreement in so far as tie obligations contained therein and the products covered by the Agreement allow. As regards the application of the procedure provided for in the above-mentioned Article 8, no distinction shall be made between the various provisions of the preceding Articles of the present Agreement.

In faith Whereof the above-mentioned Plenipotentiaries have signed the present Agreement.

Done at Geneva on the eleventh day of July, one thousand nine hundred and twenty-eight, in a single copy, which shall be deposited in the archives of the Secretariat of the League of Nations, and of which certified true copies shall be delivered to all Members of the League of Nations.

GRANDE BRETAGNE ET IRLANDE DU NORD T declare that my signature does not include any of His Britannic Majesty's Colonies, Protectorates or territories under suzerainty or mandate. [Je déclare que ma signature ne couvre pas les colonies, protectorats ou territoires placés sous la suzeraineté ou le mandat de Sa Majesté britannique.] GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND
ainsi que toutes parties de l'Empire britannique, non membres séparés de la Société des Nations. and all parts of the British Empire which are not separate Members of the League of Nations.
BULGARIEAu moment de signer le présent arrangement, le Gouvernement bulgare déclare qu'il ratifiera et mettra en vigueur l'arrangement aussitôt que la monnaie nationale sera rétablie en or. [On signing the present Agreement, Bulgaria declares that it shall be ratified and put into force as soon as the national currency shall be re-established in gold.] BULGARIA
FRANCEAu moment de signer le présent Arrangement, la France déclare que, par son acceptation, elle n'entend assumer aucune obligation en ce qui concerne l'ensemble de ses colonies, protectorats et territoires placés sous sa suzeraineté ou mandat. [On signing the present Agreement France declares that by its acceptance it does not intend to assume any obligation in regard to any of its Colonies, Protectorates and territories under its suzerainty or mandate.] FRANCE
Sous réserve de ratification avec l'approbation du Riksdag [Subject to ratification, with the approval of the Riksdag.]
TURQUIELa Turquie se réserve le droit de maintenir le "muamale vergisi": (taxe générale de formalités d'exportation) deux et demi pour cent ad valorem ainsi que la taxe minime d'examen vétérinaire [Turkey reserves the right to maintain the "muamele vergisi" (general tax on export formalities) of two and a-half per cent ad valorem, and also the very low veterinary examination tax.] TURKEY

Copie certifiée conforme. Certified true copy.
Pour le Secrétaire général:
For the Secretary-General:
J. A. BUERO m. p.
J. A. BUERO m. p.
Conseiller juridique du Secrétariat.
Legal Adviser of the Secretariat.

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